Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New Camera - This counts as a wedding expense, right?!

Todd and I both can't wait to go down SoCal this Thursday morning.  We are planning to accomplish tons of wedding-related tasks, and have some fun while we're at it!  And I was all set to capture our vacation with my camera when I discovered, to my dismay, that it had died.  So I trotted over to Ritz, they fiddled around with it... and confirmed that it had, indeed, kicked the bucket.  The search for a new camera (in time for our trip to LA) was on!

I had several requirements:

1) That it be camera-y.  Not too small, thin, or sleek.  I've very good at losing things!
2) That it be from a reliable and reputable brand.
3) That it have good pixel and zoom stats.
4) That it be under $300.

and, finally,

5) That I could imagine carrying it around during our wedding weekend, and on our honeymoon!

We did a lot of online research, and found this beauty:

The Kodak Z1015 IS.  It has 10 megapixels and 15x zoom.  It's also very camera-y, and shockingly simple to use!  And the price at Best Buy?  A cool $237 on sale.
I love the large screen on the back.
For it's capacity, it's really quite compact.  I can't wait to experiment with it this weekend!

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