Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wedding Budget Survey!

I've finally found a way to combine my (admitted) teensy-tiny obsession with all things wedding with a project for school!  I'm in a Law and Anthropology seminar and we have to do an ethnographic research project about any kind of informal (not in the formal legal system) dispute resolution.  And - given recent experiences - I thought: why not make my project be about wedding budget disputes!  One of the aspects of my research is the survey below. 

If you are getting married soon, or have gotten married within the last two years, and wouldn't mind filling out the survey, and e-mailing me your responses, it would be greatly appreciated.**   All returned surveys will be kept strictly anonymous, and will be destroyed after I've incorporated the data into my paper.


1. How old are you?  How old is your fiance/fiancee? If you're already married, how old were both of you when you tied the knot?

2. Where (city/state/general type of location - e.g. garden, hotel, museum, etc.) will get married?  Where will you have the reception?  If you're already married, where did you have the ceremony and reception?

3. What is/ was your total wedding budget (either expected, if you are not yet married, or actual, if you're already married)?

4.  Who paid/ is paying for your wedding?  (If multiple people are paying, please list the cost distribution.  (For example: groom's parents are paying for the rehearsal dinner, expected (or actual) cost: $2,000; bride and groom are paying for the flowers, expected (or actual) cost: $3,000)

5. Did the cost distribution change from the beginning of the wedding planning to the end?   (For example: The bride was originally going to pay for her wedding dress, but the mother-of-the-bride ended up paying for it).  Please list the ways in which the cost distribution changed.

6.  Why did it change?

7.  Were there any disagreements over the budget between parties who are paying?
(For example: bride and groom wanted all vegetarian food, parents didn't; parents wanted certain location for ceremony, bride and groom didn't)  Please briefly explain the nature of these disagreements.

8.  Did you resolve any budget disagreements?  If so, how did you resolve them?  If not, what happened as a result of the disagreements?

9.  Who is the primary wedding planner?  (For example: the bride; the bride and groom; a wedding planner; the bride's parents)

10. Did the amount of money contributed to the wedding affect the amount of "say" (i.e. decision-making power) that person had in the planning?

11.  Are you satisfied with the way budget disputes were (or are) being resolved?  If so, why?  If not, why not (or, what would you like to be different)?

12.  What do you think would help (or would have helped) any budget disputes you are having (or had) during the wedding planning process?

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR INPUT!  Please e-mail responses to emily.hoag@gmail.com.

**I had planned to put the survey on some major wedding site chatrooms, such as the Knot and iVillage, but all of them have use restrictions limiting things posted for research purposes.  So I'm hoping that between here and Facebook, I'll find enough willing participants to create a good data sample.  I can't wait to see the results!**

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