Friday, September 19, 2008

I cheated...

on my nails!  Behold, on the morning of the engagement shoot:

Full disclosure: so although I've tried to stop biting my nails, it just wasn't happening. Sebastian had told us that he would be taking "ring shots" and to be sure my hands (and nails) looked lovely.  As panic set in, I went to a nail salon and got (horrors!) acrylic nails.  It took forever, but the shade of nail polish was really pretty and I have to admit that the end result looked great!


I fail to understand how people with nails can do ANYTHING.  Immediately after getting the nails, I discovered a slew of things it was now well-nigh impossible to do: put on tights, secure a ponytail, rustle around in my purse searching for something, text message, write neatly (and this from a lefty!), and button (and unbutton) various articles of clothing. I mean, sheesh!  Todd endured about thirteen temper tantrums in the three days leading up to the engagement shoot.  As soon as it was over (and my nails had served their purpose!), I got rid of the dratted things, and hopefully that will be the last of them until the wedding (for which I also want aesthetically beautiful, though completely useless, nails!).

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