Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Our wedding is 11 (almost 10) days away! When I logged on to this blog a few minutes ago, I almost burst out laughing at the tagline: "musings in the next sixteen months leading up to our wedding" because, finally - finally - sixteen months has become a year, a year has become six months, six months has become three, and now the day is nearly here!

The fast approach of our wedding has galvanized me into getting lots of wedding things accomplished: to accept what I can't change, roll with the circumstances, and type up more Google Document Shared Lists than I feel comfortable admitting to... ;-)

Exhibit 1: Nail-biting.  I caved.  While quitting nail-biting is something that I desperately want to do - and there will always be excuses - a summer of a hectic, fast-paced job, and the stresses of wedding planning have not exactly lent themselves to the calm and strength of will required to beat this terrible habit.  So this past Sunday, I bit (haha) the bullet and (for the second time. the first was for our engagement shoot at the Arboretum), I got fake nails (though it sounds nicer to say "an acrylic set").  The manicurist respected my wish to keep the nails short, and I chose an appropriately "bridal" pink for the nail color.  

After three days of wearing them, they're not half as annoying as my first experience - and several people have complimented me on them! (I feel guilty when they do this and am the first to admit that I deserve none of the credit!) However, the new nails do complement my ring rather nicely... 

Exhibit 2: My ideal reception centerpieces. Classic, unusual, elegant. Three shades of ranunculus with greenery. So beautiful, but it was not meant to be...

My florist, Tricia, called yesterday and told me that her wholesaler had just received some ranunculus and they are disappointingly small (like tea biscuit-sized) and not that brilliantly colored.  Tricia was also concerned they wouldn't hold up in the heat on the way to Disneyland.  So we brainstormed back-up options: Zinnias, Dahlias, and Astrolemeria (Peruvian Lilies).  Tricia bought these flowers and made "mock up" centerpieces but none of them was conveying the sense of natural elegance that I had wanted. The dahlias looked kind of gaudy, the Astros looked too tropical, and the Zinnias didn't come in any of the colors I liked.  So finally, we settled on Plan C: 

(Sorry, I couldn't find a photo that was as close to this as what we'll be having): White and Yellow Tulips!  Granted, there won't be as much color variety, and I miss the "ferny" greenery feel of the ranunculus, but I do think that tulips are lovely and Tricia assured me that they're fairly hardy and the ones at her wholesaler would be perfect...

My motto from here on out is: don't worry about the small things.  It isn't worth it to beat myself over not stopping nail-biting, or panic about not having the exact flowers I wanted, because that detracts from the happiness and excitement I feel about getting to marry Todd, which is - without a question - about a billion times more important than any other aspect of the wedding!  :-)

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