Saturday, January 10, 2009

2008 Reflections and Resolutions

Before the craziness of the spring semester begins (on Monday), I thought I'd take a look back at 2008, and a look forward to all the things that await me this year!

2008 Significant events (chronologically!):

- become engaged to Todd on February 16 at Disneyland
- trip to Marin and wine country with Mom
- Engagement party thrown by Todd's parents at the Montville Inn in New Jersey
- Engagement photo shoot at LA County Arboretum
- finish first year of law school!
- choose Disneyland as wedding venue
- Dad and Ann retire and move to Vashon Island
- work at San Francisco Unified Family Court
- birthday/ July 4th trip to Monterey
- Alison and Saul's wedding in Montgomery, AL
- trip to Boston to visit Mom and find my wedding dress!
- 2L Year begins
- Ongoing: tutoring Tenderloin public school students; Trial Team
- NACDL Competition in Tampa, Florida; Guavaween!
- Aaron and Djamila's wedding in Prospect Park, Brooklyn
- Barack Obama elected President!
- Thanksgiving with Chrissie and Matt; USC/ Notre Dame game with Todd's family
- Christmas on Vashon Island
- New Years and Rose Bowl in LA

and in 2009:
- will compete in Stanford and McGeorge trial team competitions
- will finish second year of law school
- will get MARRIED
- will go on fabulous honeymoon to Paris and London
- hopefully:
will get summer job at either LA Federal PD's Office, or Nat'l Center for Youth Law
will get fall Public Defenders' Office externship
will do free yoga offered at Hastings consistently
will put more money in savings each month
- with incentive of impending wedding:
will stop biting nails
will eat healthfully (post on how this is already being accomplished soon!)
will work on de-stressing techniques

Even though the economy's in a tailspin, there's still a lot to be excited about in 2009 - and I'm looking forward to every minute of it!

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