Historical Thanksgiving:

There are so many things that I am thankful for but here are the top twelve, in no particular order:
1) imagination - it makes life infinitely more interesting
2) love - what would be the point of almost anything if there wasn't love? i feel so grateful for the love of my friends, family, and my dearest, Todd.
3) rotten San Francisco days - they make the sunny ones seem that much better :-)
4) the way that Todd and I can have a rip down, drag 'em out debate about something and still be able to kiss and say "I love you" afterwards
5) mom, for always being there even when she's 3,000 miles away
6) surviving law school (thus far), and having some fabulous professors to boot!
7) our apartment, with its misty valley views, its pine trees in the crisp cold air
8) setting out on a Saturday drive with no plan, just a sense of fun and adventure
9) books - for being such fine companions on my walks, and for suggesting new paths to my thoughts
10) kids that I tutor at the after-school program - there's nothing quite like the high that comes from connecting with and teaching children
11) the exhilarating feeling of arguing in court
12) the myriad ways in which Todd shows his love to me each day - even if it's just by doing something as simple as watching an episode of "Bridezillas" with me, and not complaining!
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