This is a BIG SECRET from Todd, but since he never reads this blog, I have little to fear from writing about it here.
Yesterday, in between the final revisions of my (now 42-page) paper on California's juvenile justice system (turned in today, triumphantly, to Professor Bloch), I was looking at the fabulous selection of garter sets on Etsy when I found this one:

And, I have to say, the set IS pretty snazzy. Especially the pouf of marabou on the "keepsake" (top) one. Am I being mildly sarcastic? Perhaps. But garters are just a bit of fun anyway, and I'm happy that mine get to incorporate something that Todd holds near and dear to his heart.
Coincidentally, Todd and I, his parents, and his sister and her husband, are all going to the USC-Notre Dame football game next Saturday! I can't wait to see everyone :-) And I also hope that Traveler manages to make several appearances...
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