Two weekends ago, Mom and I drove to Salem, MA for an exhibition at the Peabody Essex Museum called "Wedded Bliss: The Marriage of Art and Ceremony."

In addition to painted representations of weddings, there were wedding dresses from two hundred years ago to the present (I have to say, kind of liked the ones from the 1800s!), displays exploring weddings in different cultures such as Indian, Native American, and Chinese, a staggering three foot wedding cake created entirely from royal icing in the shape of hundreds of meticulously executed flowers, wedding jewelry and presents, chests which contained brides' trousseaux, and in depth videos and explanations of where many contemporary American wedding traditions come from. It was an amazing show. At the end, there's even a white quilted guest book to sign - just like at a wedding!
Here's a link to a slideshow where you can see more of the objects in the exhibition:
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