Last week was a hard week. Not only did I lose my wallet on Monday (to be posted about later...), but there were so matters in court every day that there wasn't much time to even breathe. I wonder if more people decide to litigate in the summer for some reason? It must have to do with fighting about where their child will go to school in the fall...
Anyway, it was a lovely surprise on Thursday night to come home to a huge bouquet of irises and lilies (very much like the one from a few months ago), already put in a vase and filling the apartment with a lovely fragrance. Todd was working that night, but leaving the flowers for me to come home to was such a thoughtful gesture after such a rotten week. It reminded me of all those times last year, nomadically living between our two apartments in Los Angeles, that Todd would have to leave disastrously early, or I'd get home late, and there'd be a sweet, loving message written on a yellow legal pad there to greet me.

Our weekend ended with the crashing success of Chocolate Chip Beer Bread. We had bought a huge hunk of chocolate and then Todd used a hammer to smash it into smaller chunks (although some were as big as a quarter of a bar of chocolate!). There was so much chocolate in the bread that it kind of all fell apart when we removed the loaf from its pan. And proceeded to ooze a river of chocolate all over everything... So we laughed, I remarked upon my habit of making the most mangled looking (but delicious!) pancakes in the world (to make Todd feel better), and we scooped utterly mouthwatering, steaming pieces of bread into bowls which we devoured in about three minutes flat. Mmmm. I think CCBB in a bowl may just become a Rosenfelt-Hoag tradition!
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