Last Friday, Todd, Brian, and I saw the movie WALL-E over my - slightly longer than usual- lunch break (don't tell anyone!).
It was surprisingly touching. Pixar deserves much credit for taking a plot about robots from the future (one in which earth is so polluted that no one lives there, and people, who live on a spaceship, have basically become big babies) so affecting and relevant.

The way in which the love between WALL-E and Eve develops is so poignant. He cares for her so sweetly. There's a scene in which they fly around outside the spaceship, Eve under her own steam and WALL-E using a fire extinguisher, and it's one of the best representations I've ever seen - on film, in art, or elsewhere - of just that peculiar happiness two people feel when they've just fallen in love.

Todd sent me a Facebook gift like the picture below with a message reading, "You're my Eve." The funny thing is that I sent
him the same gift at about the same time, only mine said "Wouldn't this be an awesome cake topper if we didn't already have one?" Obviously, Todd's a total sweetie, and I have a one-track wedding mind...

In the end, the point is this: WALL-E is a fantastic movie! Not a great kid's movie, or a great animated movie, just a great movie. With the moral that the whole point of being (even for robots) is to love and be loved in return.
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