The Kelp Forest tank. On our awesome behind-the-scenes tour, we dropped krill into the top of this tank from the roof of the Aquarium, and then ran down to the tank to watch all of the fish eat it up!

These African penguins (yes, from South Africa - who knew that there were penguins in Africa?!) were so graceful, flying through the water. On land, they were awkward and wobbly in a very cute way. We watched a feeding in which they all lined up and opened their mouths to have fish dropped in...

Of course, sea otters. They are fabulous, interesting, and exciting...and (like many children) have the attention span of a fly. They're just so playful. I could have watched just these creatures all day. The river otters (longer, sleeker) were also wonderful. We even bought a little Asian river otter in the gift shop!

The jellies. There was a magnificent exhibit called "Jellies: Living Art" which juxtaposed real tanks of jellyfish against backdrops of all different colors, with abstract art by Kandinksy, Calder, Chihuly, and others. It's one of the best exhibits I've seen - in a museum, or elsewhere - and completely unforgettable. The extent to which art imitates life is amazing, and this exhibit outlined the connections that show just how closely art mimics (or takes as its inspiration) nature.

An massive tank in the Outer Reef area. Like a moving painting...
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