These last few days have really been marvels of good and not-so-good melded together.
For instance,
Fortunately - Todd and I had a wonderful time with his parents. We saw Wicked (fabulous!), ate much good food in Mill Valley and Half Moon Bay, and just spent some wonderful quality time together.
Fortunately - Mom came to visit for Spring Break. We had a terrific time driving down highway 1, staying in Carmel and Monterey, and visiting Hearst Castle.
Unfortunately - I am now thoroughly, thoroughly behind on a pile of projects for school.
Fortunately - Todd got promoted to Associate Producer at Comcast Sports Network!!
Unfortunately - He has a really awful schedule now, mostly working every day from 3 pm - midnight (to produce the news segments for the Comcast sports channels), with his off days as Thursday and Friday. We'll find the time to spend with each other, but it's going to involve a heck of a lot more planning...
Unfortunately - Last Wednesday morning, while in the shower, I fainted. It was a frightening experience. Luckily, Todd was there to catch me and revive me (I was only out for a few seconds). I have never seen such a stricken look on his face, and that look scared me more than my actually fainting.
Fortunately - I went to the doctor and he asked a lot of questions, checked my blood pressure, and did blood work. Everything checked out fine, except for the fact that my blood pressure's on the low side of normal. I'm not anemic or hypoglycemic. The doctor said I probably fainted because of dehydration combined with the heat in the shower and the sudden change in body position (I moved my head out from under the water right before I fainted). So that's a relief.
Fortunately - the McGeorge ethics trial team competition is tomorrow through Sunday, and I think we'll do great! I've never been a plaintiff's side lawyer before so it should be interesting...
Unfortunately - the ONE weekend that we have a competition is the same weekend as the highly anticipated (at least for me and other criminal law geeks at Hastings) California Correctional Crisis Conference at Hastings, which features criminologists and attorneys from all over the country and world talking about the the state of the prison system in California (including the juvenile justice system) and what can be done to improve it. I'm really bummed that I'll miss the entire thing...
Fortunately - for our three year anniversary on St. Patrick's Day, Todd wrote me a beautiful letter and made origami hearts and set the whole thing up so it looked like a frog peeping up off the table. He's so sweet :-)
Unfortunately - any celebrating for our anniversary will have to be postponed at least a week!
Fortunately - car searching is pretty fun, and we both can't wait to go on test drives!
Unfortunately - cars are expensive.
Back with more wedding stuff next week but for now, a quote from Adam Gopnik's article about Babar in the The New Yorker a few months ago:
"There is allure in escaping from the constraints that button you up and hold you; there is also allure in the constraints and the buttons. We would all love to be free, untrammelled elephants, but we long, too, for a green suit."
So true.
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