Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Guestbook Photo Project: A Year in Photos

Todd and I were brainstorming a while ago about what we should do for our guestbook, rather than just have, well, a guestbook. There are some great ideas out there:

wish trees
quilt squares
matted photos
wish vases

but Todd had the best one of all - at least for us. Starting on July 26, 2008 (Alison's wedding!), each of us will trade off taking one photo every day or so...of anything that happens to be in our environment at the time. Including, but not limited to:

natural phenomena, like cloud patterns and trees
weekend trips we go on
favorite neighborhoods, cafes, and shops
friends and family
animals, like the famous Charlene the squirrel
our little home
each other
the small, silly things that make each of us happy

When our wedding draws close next year - probably in June or so - we'll look at all of the pictures we've taken over the year, and chose 40-50 to make into a photo guestbook. Each page of the book will have a photo or two, plus plenty of space for people to write their messages.

It'll be a great project for us to do together over the coming year, and I can't wait for it to begin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cute and yay for the start date :)