Stop biting my nails!
I've been trying to do this for a very long time, but today was the final straw.
It happened at the Hall of Justice (doesn't that sound Superhero-ish?), where I went to get fingerprinted for my externship at the San Francisco Superior Court's Family Court. The LiveScan operator (no more ink! now they just scan your fingerprints right onto the computer) remarked, as she was placing my left hand on the glass plate: "Nice ring! But those nails..." (She herself had suspiciously long, peach colored nails.) I began to explain: "I just finished first year exams in law school. I was under a lot of stress..." but then trailed off. Because I realized: while my nail biting does lessen somewhat during those rare periods of calm (vacations, for instance), there will always be enough stress in my life to provide an excuse for nail biting.
But, as I recently learned in Criminal Law, an excuse is not the same as a justification. And, frankly, there is no way to justify my continued nail biting, as I approach the quarter century mark (yikes!). There are plenty of ways to deal with stress that aren't disgusting habits (nail biting) or destructive (smoking; drinking) and I should make better use of them.
What's another incentive to stop? Purely out of vanity, I want my fingers to look as beautiful as my ring. So that when family, friends, and fingerprint-machine operators notice my ring, they also see the neat, straight nails of my hand. It would be so lovely to have the kind of non-bitten nails that deserve a manicure once in a while...
Below: my lovely ring in its box (which itself will be the subject of an upcoming post!)

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